Park your motorbike or scooter in the city
Motorcycle and scooter riders don't need to pay at any of the parking meters in our local area, including central Sydney.
Project Status: When you need to do this
On-street parking is in high demand in central Sydney and we've introduced a range of options for residents, workers and visitors who ride in the local area.
Riders should be aware that major changes to on-street parking are being implemented in central Sydney with Transport for NSW’s Sydney City Centre Access Strategy.
The introduction of light rail in George Street, revised bus routes, new cycleways and pedestrian areas will reduce on-street parking for all users, including motorcycles.
What you need to know
No tickets required in timed areas
Motorcycle and scooter riders don’t need to pay at any of the parking meters in our local area, including central Sydney.
Simply park as you usually would but remember to observe the time restrictions.
Please note: this may not apply in areas outside our authority including, Royal Botanic Garden, Moore Park and Centennial Park, and particular areas in The Rocks, Darling Harbour and Pyrmont. See “Special conditions” below.
Parking stations
Riders can park at the Goulburn Street parking station for only $1 per hour to a maximum of $7 per day. Many other public car parks also offer motorcycle parking at discounted rates.
Permits for residents
Residents eligible for parking permits can use them for motorcycles and scooters.
Special conditions
Royal Botanic Garden
The Royal Botanic Garden has a number of marked parking spaces for motorcycles. These spaces may require payment or a ticket.
Please check parking signs before you park or check the parking requirements with the appropriate authority.
Particular areas in The Rocks, Darling Harbour & Pyrmont
Please check signs before you park or confirm the parking requirements with the appropriate authority.
Find out more about parking in The Rocks and Darling Harbour.
Restricted locations
Please do the right thing by pedestrians and your fellow riders. Only use legal spaces and avoid parking on footpaths or pedestrian areas. If you only need to stay for a short time, park safely in a metered area. If you can’t find a free space on-street, use a parking station.