Complaint management procedure

How we manage complaints and measure our success.

Book cover showing the title of the document and the City of Sydney logo.


We realise that sometimes, despite our best efforts, people may not be happy with the way we performed a service. If you need to make a complaint, you can use our feedback form.

This procedure outlines the process for complaint management at the City of Sydney in line with our complaint management policy.

The complaint management procedure aims to:

  • guide a person on how to lodge a complaint with the City of Sydney
  • set expectations about our employees obligations to communicate, investigate and record complaints.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is any feedback about something we didn’t get quite right, whether it’s our services, employees or how we’ve handled a previous issue. You may expect a response or solution, which somtimes is legally required.

Examples include:

  • not meeting promised service standards
  • delays in our responses
  • concerns with behaviour or attitude
  • our decisions or policies
  • changes or reductions in services
  • content on our online channels (including third party comments) that is defamatory.

We’re here to listen and work towards a solution.

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