Apply for a busking permit

Permits will be issued over the counter the same day you apply.
$49 for 1 year or $14 for 3 months.

When you need to do this

What you need to do

Busking permit applicationPDF · 101.82 KB · Last modified
Busking permit costs

Busking permits are available for 3 months (quarterly) or for 12 months (yearly).

The 3 month permit is $14. The 12 month permit is $49.

Busking permit categories

Areas where buskers can perform

Buskers can perform in permitted areas provided they adhere to the Sydney busking code and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice policy.

Special busking sites have additional conditions – refer to the Sydney busking code.

Hyde Park north

  • Archibald Fountain
  • St James station entrance, corner Elizabeth and Market streets
  • intersection of Park and Elizabeth streets.

Martin Place

  • intersection of Pitt Street and Martin Place, east of the Lloyd Rees Fountain
  • other Martin Place busking locations are currently affected by road and building works.

Pitt Street Mall

  • north (near King Street intersection)
  • central (near MidCity Centre)
  • south (near Market Street intersection).

QVB forecourt

  • southern forecourt only.

Land managed by other agencies

This application process doesn’t apply to land managed by other agencies, including:

  • Centennial Parklands
  • Circular Quay, Darling Harbour and The Rocks (Property NSW)
  • Sydney Opera House
  • The Royal Botanic Garden (includes The Domain)
  • UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation.

You’ll need to contact these agencies for details about their busking policies.

Busking times

Except where otherwise permitted under the Sydney busking code, holders of a busking permit may perform:

  • 8am to 10pm, Sunday to Thursday
  • 8am to midnight, Friday and Saturday

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander practitioners

Approval isn’t required for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander practitioners provided they meet the criteria in our local approvals policy - busking and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practice. Use this form to register for free cover under our community engagement liability insurance policy.

Busking etiquette

You can read tips for good busking and learn more about what is expected of buskers in the city by downloading the Sydney busking code.

When performing in public places buskers must make sure their act:

  • does not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle traffic and entrances to shops or buildings
  • is not excessively loud
  • does not include animals
  • does not vilify or abuse any member of the community
  • complies with the conditions of special busking sites, as outlined in the Sydney busking code.

Non-compliance can be reported by calling Customer Service on 02 9265 9333 any day, anytime. Our staff will investigate each complaint received and take appropriate action.