Report illegal graffiti
When you need to do this
The best thing you can do to help reduce graffiti is report it directly to us.
What you need to do
Complete our online form
Report graffiti -
Report someone applying graffiti
If you spot someone applying graffiti, using spray paint or markers, contact your local police or the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 immediately. You can also call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.
Report graffiti directly to an organisation affected by it
If you spot graffiti on the property of one of these organisations, you can call them directly to report it:
- Australia Post: 13 13 18
- Energy Australia: 13 15 35
- Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust: 02 9339 6699
- Royal Botanic Garden Sydney: 02 9231 8111
- Place Management NSW: 02 9240 8500
- Sydney Harbour Bridge: 13 17 82
- Sydney Water: 13 20 92
- Telstra: 13 22 03
- Transport NSW: 131 500
- University of Sydney: 02 9351 2222
- University of Technology Sydney: 02 9514 2000
Before you start
We inspect hot spots every day and aim to remove new graffiti in 24 hours, or when consent is obtained.
The broader local area is inspected every 5 days. Again, the aim is to remove graffiti once it’s found within 24 hours.
Other information
We aim to minimise incidents of graffiti on public and private property by prompt removal, while providing legitimate avenues for the expression of community information and art.
For more information about our response in the local area, please read our graffiti management policy.