Appoint the City as principal certifier and notify us of building works about to start

Building or subdivision work approved by the City of Sydney cannot start until a principal certifier has been appointed.

When you need to do this

What you need to do

After you finish

Acceptance of appointment as principal certifier

The acceptance of the appointment will be issued on the NSW Planning Portal, including any supporting documentation.

Mandatory inspections

A principal certifier inspects a development at certain stages to ensure the works are consistent with the development consent and the National Construction Code.

Applicants are notified in writing at the construction certificate or complying development certificate approval stage about the inspections that must be undertaken.

It’s important to make sure the appointed builder or contractors are aware of the critical stage inspections that are required to ensure they are not missed, which could delay the building project, or prevent an occupation certificate being issued.

Critical stage mandatory inspections include:

  • building inspection before a construction certificate or complying development certificate is issued
  • foundation after excavation and before footings are placed
  • steel reinforcement in footings/slabs
  • framework
  • wet area waterproofing (bathrooms and laundries)
  • stormwater drainage connection
  • swimming pool barrier fencing
  • fire-protecting construction in buildings where people sleep, including sole-occupancy units in residential-type
  • buildings and health care/aged care buildings.
  • completed works (final inspection) to verify that the building is suitable for occupation.

Residential development will generally require 4 to 5 inspections.

For larger buildings where people sleep, the number of inspections will vary depending on the size and complexity of the building.

Works such as fit-outs affecting commercial or retail buildings will, in most cases, only require 2 inspections. Mandatory inspections must be carried out before an occupation certificate can be issued.

If an inspection is missed

If a critical stage inspection is missed, the certifier is required under law to prepare a report and determine whether works can continue.

You must notify us immediately if an inspection is missed.