Get approval to undertake subdivision works

A subdivision works certificate is required prior to the commencement of any subdivision works.

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do

Before you start

After you finish

A preliminary assessment is undertaken at lodgement to ensure that the minimum required information has been provided. A copy of the executed contract will be forwarded to the applicant.

We will: 

  • confirm that all required information has been provided
  • assess the plans to confirm compliance with the approved plans and conditions of development consent.

If further information is required or there are aspects of the development that are noncomplying, you will be advised and requested to lodge additional information or amended drawings and details.

If the proposal complies with the development approval, your application will be approved. The approved documents and certificate are emailed to the applicant’s email address as nominated in the application form. If payment such as the long service leave levy and/or planning contribution payments are required, the subdivision works certificate cannot be issued until these payments are received. We'll contact you if such payments are required.


The determination will be issued through the NSW Planning Portal, including any supporting documents such as approved, stamped plans.