George Street north toilets upgrade

We’re restoring this historic building and improving access and safety.


What we’re doing

We’re upgrading the public toilets block in George Street at the southern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in The Rocks.

In 1915, the NSW Housing Board's architect William Henry Foggitt designed a scheme to integrate the newly realigned northern end of Cumberland Street with George Street.

This scheme, designed in the inter war free Classical style, included a set of concrete steps with sandstone balustrades, a public toilet for men, retaining walls, lighting, seating and landscaping.

Completed in 1916, it was part of a larger public works program carried out between 1912 and 1919 to realign Cumberland Street.

George Street north public toiletsThe unattended men’s convenience at 23a George Street in The Rocks in 1934.Image: City of Sydney Archives (A-00007510)

The southern approach of the Sydney Harbour Bridge was built above it in the 1920s.

The building was modified in the 1970s to also accommodate female toilets.

These toilets will continue to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when they reopen in late 2020.

Works will include: 

  • upgraded male and female toilets, including new ambulant cubicles, a baby change table and more hand washing basins
  • new unisex accessible toilet with baby change table
  • new sanitary fixtures and surface finishes
  • improved lighting and ventilation 
  • repairs to the sandstone and brick façade.

Temporary toilet facilities have been set up next to this toilet block.