New skate park, Sydney Park

With more than 2,000 skateboarders living in our area, and around 56,000 within 20km of Sydney Park, this public space will be enjoyed by many.


What we’re doing

Work included:

  • traditional skate zone suitable for all skill levels and disciplines, featuring a combination of street and bowl style obstacles
  • lineal plaza zone featuring low level obstacles for street style technical tricks
  • beginners bowl for new skaters
  • flow bowl varying in depth from 1.5 to 3m for intermediate or advanced ability
  • new landscaping and lighting
  • footpaths and picnic areas.

A new path connects the skate park to the southern part of Sydney Park.

The skate park will be accessible for people using wheelchairs, bikes and scooters.

Our contractor, Concrete Skateparks Pty Ltd, started work in mid-June 2019.

Temporary changes to the car park off Sydney Park Road were required as we installed a new drainage line. The Sydney Park Cycling Centre remained open with temporary access changes during works.

Sydney Park skate park - developed designPDF · 3.93 MB · Last modified