Register your skin penetration business or event

$105 for registering skin penetration business

Project Status: When you need to do this

What you need to do



TSP: Temporary Skin Penetration numbers

When a temporary skin penetration business registers to trade in the local area, we issue a Temporary Skin Penetration number.

All temporary skin penetration stalls planned for your event should be listed in a spreadsheet attached to your event registration form.

If you cannot provide the list when you send your registration form, you must submit a list of all TSP numbers of stalls and the map with stall locations at least 10 working days before the event. If the application is not received in time, a late administration fee of $90 will be charged per stall for any applications received less than 10 working days before an event. The late fee will be payable by the event organiser.


Power and other facilities

We ask that you provide adequate power and lighting for your event.

Power must be available for all stalls that need electricity. You must ensure all stalls have adequate lighting.

If stallholders do not have adequate washing facilities then you must provide it to ensure adequate cleaning and sanitising of all equipment and utensils that are used.

Temporary skin penetration stallholders are responsible for providing hand wash basins for their stall. If you would prefer to provide hand wash basins, we will fully support this.


All skin penetration events in the local area will be inspected by us.

An inspection fee will be charged if we inspect your stall. The inspection fee is charged in line with our current fees and charges.

Security Licencing and Enforcement Directorate

Find out how to apply for Tattooist Licence and Tattoo Master Licence through Security Licencing and Enforcement Directorate (SLED) 

Further information and resources

Barbers and hairdressers

Barber and hairdresser services, where skin penetration doesn’t take place, aren’t considered to be skin penetration procedures.

A range of fact sheets, posters, videos, tools and forms are available to help skin penetration practitioners and regulatory agencies to protect public health.