Arkadia apartments

Modern brick apartment building with balconies, set against a clear blue sky. Green lawn and plants in the foreground.

Built on a historical brickworks site in Alexandria, Arkadia hosts 152 apartments. It’s building manager has introduced several recycling projects to promote sustainability in the building.

What they did

  • Implemented a food scraps recycling program that included a compost bin, 3 rooftop gardens, and a chicken coop.
  • The chicken coop is located on the roof of the building where residents can collect fresh eggs.
  • The chickens are fed with vegetable scraps, and any extra food scraps go into the compost bin. The compost is then used as fertiliser for the rooftop gardens.
  • Any leftover food scraps are collected by a food scraps team.
  • The building manager has built a strong relationship with residents and always communicates with them about all things sustainability.


  • The compost bin has reduced the amount of food waste sent to landfill, while the rooftop gardens and chicken coop have provided residents with fresh produce and eggs.
  • The program has also helped build a sense of community among the residents who take turns caring for the chickens and gardens.