A sign on the side of a sandstone building with the words Always was Always will be
A room with windows, chair in the corner and a rug on the floor.
A large room with conference table, colourful lounge, chairs and rugs.

A space for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to gather, participate in activities and events, access services, and share knowledge and culture.

Opening hours

  • Monday to Friday

    10am to 4pm

  • Saturday and Sunday


  • Public holidays



  • Wifi included

    Free wifi

  • Self-service computers included

    Computers available to use free


  • Level access entrance included

    Entry from Redfern Street

  • Entry door type included

    Automatic door

  • Floors included


  • Lift included

Spaces for use and hire

We have upstairs and downstairs spaces available for workshops, events, gatherings and more. To book a tour of the space, contact Tracey Duncan on 02 9310 4502.

Community consultation

In 2022, Two Point Co., a 100% Indigenous-owned consultancy completed a community consultation on behalf of the City of Sydney. They asked the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community for their views on the future use of 119 Redfern Street. Over 250 people gave their feedback through surveys, yarning sessions, pop-up stalls and one-on-one conversations.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members told us they want 119 Redfern Street to be:

  • authentically and genuinely co-designed with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members
  • managed and run by local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • welcoming of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations, clans and mobs
  • a culturally safe and inclusive space to preserve and share the stories, histories and legacy of the local area
  • a space that fosters culture and knowledge
  • a space that supports healing, health and wellbeing
  • a space that provides development opportunities for youth and community members.

We’ll continue to work with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to help co-design and coordinate programs and activities in this space.

Find out more about the consultation results and read the full report.

This consultation was proudly funded by the City of Sydney and NSW Government.

A local Aboriginal knowledge and culture centre is a major component of the City of Sydney’s Eora Journey – 4 long-term projects that celebrate the living cultures of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Sydney.

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