Local history groups
People interested in knowing more about Sydney’s history should consider joining a historical association.

The society encourages the study of Australian railways and compiles and collects records at its resource centre.
The society holds regular meetings, talks and outings and publishes a journal and regular newsletters, as well as books and monographs.
- 67 Renwick Street, Redfern NSW 2012
- 02 9699 4595 or 02 9699 1714
- [email protected]
- arhsnsw.com.au
Railway Resource Centre
- 02 9699 2736
- [email protected]
- Tour Infoline: 02 8394 9019
This history group meets on the second Saturday of the month for talks, tours and other events. Members receive a regular newsletter.
- GPO Box 4776, Sydney NSW 2001
- Bev Brooks, 0448 891 981, [email protected]
- Public Relations: Clancy Walker, 02 9557 8774, [email protected]
The Glebe Society was formed in 1969 to fight inappropriate development and to protect the suburb's Victorian character.
The society organises a number of social functions each year that give members and (particularly) newcomers to Glebe an opportunity to meet each other.
The society produces a regular bulletin for members.
- PO Box 100, Glebe NSW 2037
- [email protected]
- glebesociety.org.au
The History Council of NSW is the peak body in this state for historical organisations and people interested and concerned about the past.
The council coordinates History Week – held during the first week in September.
- PO Box R1737, Royal Exchange NSW 1225
- 0418 811 522
- [email protected]
- historycouncilnsw.org.au
Membership is open to anyone interested in military history and all facets of military collecting and modelling.
The society meets on the first Saturday of the month at 10am in the city and gives free public lectures on various military history topics.
- City of Sydney RSL, 565 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
- [email protected]
- militaryhistorynsw.com.au
The trust lobbies for the preservation of our heritage and actively protects it through a number of properties and house museums across NSW.
The trust library and archives is housed at the National Trust Centre. Members receive a Quarterly Magazine and free access to the organisation's properties.
- Observatory Hill, Sydney NSW 2001
- GPO Box 518, Sydney NSW 2001
- 02 9258 0123 or 02 9251 1110
- nationaltrust.org.au/nsw
The society runs tours of installations such as Garden Island and has an extensive collection of naval service records.
- The Secretary, The Boatshed, Building 25, Garden Island NSW 2011
- 02 9359 2372 or 02 9359 2243 (Tuesdays and Thursdays only) or 02 9359 2383
- [email protected]
- navyhistory.org.au
Established in 1964, the Paddington Society aims to promote and protect the unique character of Paddington through an appreciation of its history, heritage and the built environment.
Regular events are organised for members and the general public.
- PO Box 99, Paddington NSW 2021
- paddingtonsociety.org.au
The Pride History Group is a not-for-profit community group that is passionate about collecting and preserving memorabilia and other information about lesbian, gay and transgender lives, politics and communities in the Sydney region.
- PO Box 242, Glebe NSW 2034
- [email protected]
- pridehistory.org.au
The Pyrmont History Group has been meeting and working together since 2011. It has about 20 financial members and attracts 50 to 60 people to public talks.
The group hosts a public history talk on the third Sunday of each month.
- Donald Denoon, [email protected]
- pyrmonthistory.net.au
The state’s premier historical society was formed in 1901.
Its library collection specialises in New South Wales local history and historical society serial publications.
There is also a substantial image collection.
Its library is open to members for free and the general public for a small fee.
Library catalogues are available online.
- History House, 133 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000
- 02 9247 8001 or 02 9247 7854
- [email protected]
- rahs.org.au
Members interested in military history receive a quarterly journal and use of a unique research library, located in the south wing of the Anzac Memorial.
Monthly lectures are usually presented on the last Tuesday of the month at the Anzac Memorial Auditorium.
Other benefits include guided visits to defence bases and warships, and social dinners held in historic settings.
- Liverpool Street, Anzac Memorial, Hyde Park south, Sydney NSW 2000
- PO Box A778, Sydney South NSW
- [email protected]
- rusinsw.org.au
The Society of Australian Genealogists is Australia's largest and oldest family history society with the most comprehensive collection of family history resources in Sydney.
Two libraries, which cater for Australian and overseas research, are staffed by experienced genealogists who can provide research advice and assistance.
The society's libraries are open to the general public for a small fee. Members can access the libraries for free.
Library catalogues are available online.
An education program of talks, workshops and seminars is also offered.
- Richmond Villa, 120 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000
- 02 9247 3953
- General enquiries: [email protected]
- Research enquiries: [email protected] – but check their research pages on the website first
- Web: sag.org.au
The Sydney Heritage Fleet restores, operates and maintains a fleet of vintage vessels, including the 1874 barque James Craig.
The fleet maintains a comprehensive research library and archive that includes photographs, ships' plans, diaries, logs and journals.
- Wharf 7, Pyrmont NSW 2009
- 02 9298 3888
Restoration site
- 4 James Craig Road, Rozelle NSW 2039
- 02 9818 5388
The 20th Century Heritage Society of NSW was founded in 1995 with the aim of protecting and promoting 20th century architectural and design heritage in the state. It has attracted an impressive group of heritage practitioners, historians and specialists – united in their commitment to the conservation of our state's dwindling stock of heritage items.
- PO Box Q1072, QVB Post Office, Sydney NSW 1230
- 02 9878 2511
- 02 9878 2521
- [email protected]
- twentieth.org.au