Apply for a place at Redfern Occasional Child Care

Redfern Occasional Child Care is staffed by qualified and experienced workers and provides occasional care for children between 6 weeks and 6 years of age.

$39 is standard fee for a half day. Full day is $78.

When you need to do this

Two children and an adult kneeling on the ground playing with toys
An adult and child playing outside
A child walking holding a basketball walking across coloured obstacles

What you need to do

Before you start

Child care finder

The federal government’s child care finder will help you find local centre-based day care, family day care, in-home care and outside school hours care.

Our centres

The City of Sydney operates 4 childcare services:

  1. Broughton Street Kindergarten (Glebe)
  2. Eveleigh Early Learning and Preschool
  3. Hilda Booler Kindergarten (Glebe)
  4. Redfern Occasional Child Care

Eveleigh Early Learning and Preschool offers long day care while Redfern offers full and half-day care on occasion.

The Broughton Street and Hilda Booler kindergartens offer preschool programs with extended hours.

After school and vacation care

We run 5 after-school and vacation care programs for primary school children aged 5 to 12 years in Surry Hills, Redfern, The Rocks (KGV), Ultimo and Woolloomooloo.

If you have questions about Redfern Occasional Child Care

Please contact the centre coordinator.

After you finish

At least 24 hours notice must be given for cancellations otherwise fees are still payable, even if you or your child is sick.

We are closed on public holidays, staff development days and for a short period over the Christmas and New Year break.

Relief program fee

  • half day $20
  • full day $40.

The child care subsidy is available to assist with the cost of these fees. A discount off the standard fee and the relief program fee is available for eligible families. 

Late pick-up penalty fees apply.

Other information

About this centre

This licensed centre is staffed by qualified and experienced workers and provides occasional care for children between 6 weeks and 6 years of age. The children are grouped by age into 3 different playrooms.

Our program is based on the National Early Years Learning Framework, which focuses on children's interests, strengths and individual needs. Our educators work closely with the children to develop a play-based program that is enriching and encourages collaborating with peers, making choices while building on their strengths and emerging skills. The experiences we offer foster children's social, creative, language, cognitive and physical skills.

The centre is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Bookings can be made up to 2 weeks in advance (based on availability) when you have an appointment to attend, shopping to do, or simply need a break from parenting.