Grants team
Before applying please contact the team to arrange a call back to discuss your project.
Aims to promote a wide range of affordable and diverse rental housing development in our area.
Before applying please contact the team to arrange a call back to discuss your project.
Requests for this grant are received all year round until funds are exhausted.
Contact us to enquire about the current status of funding available or for help with any other details.
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The affordable and diverse housing fund promotes the development of affordable and diverse rental housing in our local government area by community housing providers, not-for-profit and for-profit organisations.
The fund is part of the City of Sydney’s commitment to overcome financial barriers to affordable and diverse housing development.
The fund’s priority is to leverage private finance for affordable rental housing.
Funds can be used for:
It’s expected that the total amount of funding for any individual project will not exceed $3 million in value.
The project can include a proportion of ‘market’ housing for sale on completion and/or a commercial component for lease, or sale, on completion if it forms a part of the project’s financing strategy or is needed to satisfy planning controls.
‘Subsidised’ housing means all forms of short and long term rental accommodation offered at below market rates, including affordable housing, social housing, assisted living, aged and respite care, crisis housing and boarding houses.
Before applying please contact the grants team to discuss your eligibility and suitability for the program.
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