Get approval to operate cranes, cherry-pickers or other hoisting devices over a public road

We regulate hoisting activity using mobile or site-based devices.

At least $212

When you need to do this

What you need to do

Mobile hoisting devices

Mobile hoisting devices application formPDF · 116.67 KB · Last modified

Site-based hoisting devices

Site-based devices operating over a public road application formPDF · 142.89 KB · Last modified

Permit renewal for site-based hoisting devices

Before you start

Emailed forms and payment

Application fees are not payable at lodgement stage. Once the permit has been processed, our team will email you a link to make an online payment.

Control plans for mobile hoisting devices

For further information and advice about whether a control plan is required for mobile hoisting devices, please contact the construction regulation team.

Control plans for site-based hoisting devices

For further information and advice about whether a control plan is required for site-based hoisting devices, please contact the building certification team.

Costs and fees

Mobile hoisting devices

Usage/change of date fee


per vehicle

Kerb lane/minor road, through lane


per day

Single residential lane


Major road, through lane


per day

After you finish

We may contact you to discuss your application. This may include a request for further information.