Get approval to operate cranes, cherry-pickers or other hoisting devices over a public road
We regulate hoisting activity using mobile or site-based devices.
When you need to do this
You need to seek approval when hoisting over or above a public road, footpath or a cycleway. This includes:
- mobile hoisting devices – such as crane trucks, Hiabs, cherry-pickers and elevated work platforms
- site-based hoisting devices – such as site-installed cranes, personnel and materials hoists, as well as mast climbing work platforms and suspended scaffolds or swinging stages.
What you need to do
Mobile hoisting devices
Complete the application form
Give at least 2 days notice excluding weekends and public holidays when seeking approval.
Lodge the form by email, in person or mail
- By email: [email protected]
- In person: At one of our customer service centres
- By mail: City of Sydney, GPO Box, Sydney NSW 2001
Site-based hoisting devices
Complete the application form
Lodge the form by email
- Email the form to [email protected]
- Once we’ve received the form, we’ll contact you for the supporting documents and payment of the application fee, $408.
Permit renewal for site-based hoisting devices
Complete the application form
Lodge the form by email
Email [email protected].
Before you start
Emailed forms and payment
Application fees are not payable at lodgement stage. Once the permit has been processed, our team will email you a link to make an online payment.
Control plans for mobile hoisting devices
For further information and advice about whether a control plan is required for mobile hoisting devices, please contact the construction regulation team.
Control plans for site-based hoisting devices
For further information and advice about whether a control plan is required for site-based hoisting devices, please contact the building certification team.
Costs and fees
Mobile hoisting devices
Usage/change of date fee
per vehicle
Kerb lane/minor road, through lane
per day
Single residential lane
Major road, through lane
per day
Site-based hoisting devices
Application fee
After you finish
We may contact you to discuss your application. This may include a request for further information.