Community profile


Demographic information about our residents, the area and each suburb.

Community profile

Our community profile uses data from the 2021, 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, and 1991 Australian censuses.

It provides demographic information on our residents, for the whole local government authority and each suburb. A profile of Greater Sydney is included for comparison.

The information is presented in simple, clear tables and charts with concise, factual commentary.

Community atlas

Using interactive maps, the community atlas includes key socio-demographic characteristics gleaned from the 4 most recent censuses. The atlas has maps detailing data on:

  • population
  • cultural and linguistic diversity
  • education
  • households
  • income
  • labour force
  • housing
  • areas of disadvantage.

Population forecasts

Our population and housing forecasts are designed to provide an estimate of the growth in population over the next 20 years.

Projections are given for the whole local area, as well as for the 10 village groupings. The forecasts include results in age-specific and household categories, as well as looking at the drivers for change in key demographics.


While care is taken to ensure accuracy, the City of Sydney can't guarantee that information expressed here is correct and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use. We make no warranty or undertaking, whether expressed or implied, nor does we assume any legal liability, whether direct or indirect.