Interim Guidelines for Public Art in Private Developments
Assists in commissioning high-quality public art in accessible public spaces for large scale developments.

The City of Sydney’s public art policy presents the framework for the care, acquisition and management of public art in the City of Sydney local area. These guidelines form part of this framework and are intended to assist developers, art consultants, artists, architects, landscape architects and project managers in providing public art in private developments. They should be read alongside our public art policy.
We recognise the benefits, both cultural and economic, of integrating public art into the urban fabric both for developments and for the city overall. Engaging developers, architects and landscape architects in procuring public art will help make Sydney an even more interesting, distinctive and culturally diverse city.
We encourage incorporating works of art in a development and including artists in the design process for all developments. However, including public art is not a prerequisite for approval in single dwelling houses or other small developments. In these instances it may be pursued at the discretion of the owner or developer.
These guidelines apply to all:
- urban renewal areas requiring a master plan or stage 1 development application
- privately initiated multiple residential, commercial or industrial projects which include a significant amount of public (or publicly accessible) space or which have a construction value exceeding $10 million.