Clothes swaps
If you have clothes in excellent condition and want to update your wardrobe, register for one of our free clothes swaps.

Clothes swapping is a clever and thrifty way to refresh your wardrobe, save money and help fight textile waste.
Your pre-loved clothes will find a new home and you’ll leave with ‘new’ second-hand items for your own closet.
We’ll update this webpage with new event dates when they are confirmed.
How to take part
These events are for residents who live in the City of Sydney’s area. All ages and styles are welcome.
Tickets are free but spaces are limited.
On the day
- What to bring: Up to 5 items of clothing in excellent condition to swap – check what items are accepted below. This 5-item limit makes it manageable for us to check and display all clothing before the swap starts and ensures we don’t have too many items left over.
- Check in: We’ll help you check in, confirm your items are suitable for swapping and exchange them for tokens. Each token can be swapped for one item of clothing. There is a one hour check-in period and 15 minutes of set-up time. Depending on when you check in, this means you could have up to one hour of downtime before the swap begins. You might like to grab a coffee or mingle with fellow fashion enthusiasts.
- Swap time: You’ll have one hour to browse all the clothing and find your ‘new’ items. Items will be organised by type – this is much quicker than organising by size and we don’t want to keep you waiting. Each swap attracts different attendees, so you could find more women’s, men’s or children’s clothing depending on what’s brought on the day.
- Keep swap etiquette in mind: To ensure our swaps are fun and safe for all, certain behaviours won’t be tolerated. Please don’t run or hoard clothes. If you no longer want an item, return it neatly to the rack or table. If you have leftover tokens, give them to a fellow swapper. This will help us rehome as many clothes as possible.
- At the end of the swap: Take your treasures and tokens to the check-out desk.
Check what items are accepted
Leftover clothes
They’re donated to a local charity to be rehomed.

Spread the word about our clothes swaps
If you’re a resident in the City of Sydney local area, print this poster in A4 or A3 size and display it in your apartment building or share it with your neighbours.