Preparing an emergency management plan for a business or building

Rehearse procedures with your employees or tenants.


How to develop your plan

Your plan should:

  • be developed by a committee with emergency management responsibilities. Members of the committee may include the chief warden, building owners and building managers
  • comply with the relevant Australian Standards, regulations and laws
  • be tailored to your particular business and building and rehearsed regularly with employees and tenants, so they are familiar with the procedures and protocols.

The 5 steps below are a guide to help you develop your own emergency management plan.

Australian Standards

When you prepare your emergency management plan, you should consult with the following Australian Standard (AS):

  • AS 3745 – Planning for emergencies in facilities 

Visit Australian Standards for more information.

Legislation and regulations

You should consult these laws and regulations when preparing your emergency management plan:

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 (as amended) 
  • Local Government Act 1993