180 George Street community space

A black triangular building with a large black metal awning over a paved plaza with seating and bike racks. Near it are another building with a decorative facade and some skyscrapers.
An empty, well-lit room. The floor is concrete, 2 of the walls are wood-panelled cabinets, the ceiling is tall, and one wall is made up of glass windows.
8 people do yoga on colourful mats in an otherwise empty room. The room is well-lit, with wood panelled walls and a concrete floor.

Located on the first floor of the plaza building in the buzzing new precinct near Circular Quay. The light and airy space can be hired for community events, activities and meetings.



50 peoplepeople



97 square metres


  • Monday to Sunday

    7am to 10pm

What’s provided

  • Close to transport included

    5-minute walk to Circular Quay and Wynyard stations.

    Accessible by ferry, light rail, bus and train.

  • Air-conditioning included

  • Wifi included


  • Tables and chairs included

    2 trestle tables: 1.8m x 0.76m (each seats 4 people) and 8 chairs.


  • Onsite mobility parking not included

  • Mobility parking within 300m included

    Check the map for locations and mobility parking permit concessions.

  • Level access entrance included

  • Entry door type included


Cost to hire

This venue is free to hire until June 2024. Eligible community groups can apply to have 100% of the cost of insurance waived.

Conditions of hire

These conditions of hire apply to the use of our unstaffed community venues by all hirers.

The City of Sydney aims to provide the local community with a variety of venues that are well maintained and accessible.

We ask that you read and understand these conditions of hire to ensure your use of our community venues runs smoothly, is safe and complies with the City of Sydney’s regulations.

Conditions of hire – community venues (unstaffed)PDF · 339.3 KB · Last modified

What’s On

  • Tue2Jul

    What’s On

    Hatha yoga lunchtime class
    Build strength, flexibility, and connect with the breath in this free 1-hour class for all levels of experience
    180 George Street
  • Tue2Jul

    What’s On

    Morning tai chi class
    Balance your mind and body in this free 1-hour classes for all levels of experience.
    180 George Street
  • Wed3Jul

    What’s On

    Aboriginal cultural talks: Sky, Country and Culture
    Join this free series of talks with Gadigal custodian, Elder and cultural educator Uncle Jimmy Smith.
    180 George Street
  • Wed3Jul

    What’s On

    Power of voice with Carmella
    Develop vocal technique, care and preservation of the voice both in speech and in song with Grammy nominated singer Carmella Baynie
    180 George Street