The hall is located behind Newtown Library and is suitable for small community meetings, training courses and discussion groups.



80 people



14.5m × 9m


  • Monday to Sunday

    9am to 11pm

What’s provided

  • Tables and chairs included

    9 trestle tables: 1.55m x 0.75m each (seats 8).

    80 chairs.

  • Kitchen included

    Kitchenette with sink.

  • Air-conditioning included

  • Heater included


  • Onsite mobility parking not included

  • Accessible toilets not included

  • Ambulant toilets not included

  • Lift not included

Cost to hire


Weekdays until 5pm


per hour

Weekdays after 5pm, all day on weekends and public holidays


per hour

Day rate

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm only


per day

Weekend full day rate

Including public holidays


per day

Conditions of hire

These conditions of hire apply to the use of our unstaffed community venues by all hirers.

The City of Sydney aims to provide the local community with a variety of venues that are well maintained and accessible.

We ask that you read and understand these conditions of hire to ensure your use of our community venues runs smoothly, is safe and complies with the City of Sydney’s regulations.

Conditions of hire – community venues (unstaffed)PDF · 339.3 KB · Last modified
Please note, the only City of Sydney venue available for coming of age parties (ages 12 to 25), or any other events we consider high risk, is Sydney Park Pavilion.

Other considerations

  • Noise needs to be kept to a minimum, residential area and adjacent to the local library.