Abercrombie Street, Darlington: Street works
A major walking route between Redfern station and the University of Sydney.
Improving local streets
40 km/h speed limit
Abercrombie and Lawson streets in Darlington form a major walking route between Redfern railway station and The University of Sydney. Due to the high number of people walking in this area, the precinct will be designated with a 40 km/h speed limit to make the streets safer.
For an area to become a 40 km/h area, certain Roads and Maritime Services requirements must be met. These requirements include thresholds to slow traffic. We are building 7 new raised thresholds in Abercrombie, Shepherd and Lawson streets to enforce the 40 km/h speed zone.
The thresholds include kerbside islands to prevent them from being used as pedestrian crossings, in accordance with RMS directives.
This has resulted in a net loss of 10 parking spots across the Darlington precinct. Where the footpath is wide and pedestrian use is low, garden hedges are being installed instead of kerbside islands to minimise the loss of parking while still complying with RMS requirements.
Community consultation
The project was developed in response to community consultations for the local action plans in 2007 and the pedestrian, cycling and traffic calming plan in 2009.
The community response included Abercrombie Street, Darlington being revitalised to improve pedestrian safety and increase opportunities for local businesses. In 2011 and 2012 when we conducted extensive community consultation about public domain upgrades in Darlington, the 40 km/h speed limit was proposed and subsequently supported.
The consultation process for the raised thresholds to enable the 40 km/h speed limit took place in December 2013. We sent 1400 letters to residents informing them of the proposal asking for their feedback. We received 22 responses – 17 in favour and 5 against.
The Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee adopted the proposal to install thresholds to slow traffic at its meeting on 20 August 2014. The next phase of consultation, planned for later in 2015, will be to improve the footpath along Lawson Street and the cycleway through Lawson Square.
Darlington’s main street
Abercrombie Street is the main street of Darlington village and runs between Broadway and Golden Grove Street in Darlington.
The active centre of Darlington village, Abercrombie Street supports cafes, a small retail strip, small businesses, homes and a local park. It is a major walking route between Redfern railway station and The University of Sydney.
We improved Abercrombie Street, widening the footpaths to improve pedestrian safety and encourage outdoor dining. We also improved the landscaping on both sides of Abercrombie Street, between Ivy and Shepherd streets.
Works included:
- wider footpaths
- more street trees and garden beds
- re-using the rainwater from roofs to water the garden beds
- new lighting and street furniture
- placing overhead power lines underground.
We have also made changes to traffic movement, including:
- One-way northbound in Shepherd Lane between Abercrombie and Lander streets.
- One-way northbound in Ivy Street between Abercrombie and Lander streets.
- No right turn from Abercrombie Street into Ivy Street (southbound).
- Shared zones for Shepherd Lane between Abercrombie and Lander streets, and Abercrombie Street and Wilson Lane.
The works are now complete and we celebrated the launch of the Darlington village with the local community on Saturday 25 July.