Castlereagh Street cycleway footpath extension

We’re widening the footpath, planting new trees, installing new street furniture and creating an important cycleway link.


What we’re doing

We’ll improve the cityscape by widening sections of the footpath on the western side of Castlereagh Street. We’ll plant more trees and install seating.

We’ll also provide a cycleway, which will provide a direct route between Circular Quay and Central station while connecting to existing cycleways on:

  • Castlereagh Street between Hay and Liverpool streets
  • Liverpool Street between Castlereagh Street and Darling Harbour
  • King Street between Pitt Street and Queens Square
  • Pitt and College streets

It will also connect to the proposed cycleway on Liverpool and Oxford streets between Castlereagh Street and Taylor Square.

This project is part of our program to make Sydney a safer place for people to walk and ride and provide more options for people to travel around the city.

It is jointly funded by the City of Sydney and the NSW Government.

Businesses will be notified when works are happening in their immediate area.