Foveaux Street, Surry Hills improvement works

We've enhanced access and safety for people who walk, installed traffic calming features and made it more visually appealing.


What we’re doing

We have completed work to improve Foveaux Street between Mary and Crown streets in Surry Hills. These works have improved access and safety for people who walk, calmed traffic and made the street more visually appealing. The works have created a better link for people walking to and from Central station and the Moore Park sports and entertainment precinct. 

The works included:

  • paved areas, including kerb extensions
  • footpath extensions
  • new garden beds
  • signaled traffic intersections at Crown and Riley streets
  • new signalised pedestrian crossing at Commonwealth Street
  • road resurfacing and line marking between Crown and Riley streets, including bike lanes
  • improved street furniture, including new bins, seating and a water bubbler.