Improving Loftus Street, Customs House Lane and Reiby Place, Sydney

In progress

Why we’re doing this

As part of our city north public domain plan, we’re upgrading Loftus Street, Reiby Place at the intersection with Loftus Street, and Customs House Lane.

The project will improve safety for people walking, accessibility and amenity, reduce through traffic and maintain service and delivery access for surrounding businesses. It will also provide opportunities for outdoor dining and events.

We asked for feedback on this project in October and November 2022. The upgrade was endorsed by the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee in December 2022.

What we’re doing

Works include:

  • pedestrianising Loftus Street north of Reiby Place
  • footpath paving on the western side of Loftus Street north of Reiby Place, footpath widening on the eastern side of Loftus Street between Bridge Street and Loftus Lane, and footpath widening on the western side of Loftus Street at the intersection with Bridge Street
  • a continuous footpath treatment in Loftus Lane at its intersection with Loftus Street
  • a continuous footpath treatment in Reiby Place at its intersection with Loftus Street
  • planting street trees in the new shared zone in Loftus Street and in Alfred Street
  • paving Customs House Lane and a raised road section at the intersection with Loftus Lane to the rear entry of Customs House
  • timed closure of Loftus Street (north of Reiby Place) and Customs House Lane from 11am to 12am (midnight) 7 days a week – outside of these hours, Loftus Street (north of Reiby Place) and Customs House Lane will be open as a 10km/h shared zone to provide service and delivery access
  • opportunities for outdoor dining and events north of Reiby Place.

The work will be in stages. Our contractor, Mack Civil, will take steps to minimise impact and disruption on businesses and people working in the buildings and walking around the area.