Increasing tree canopy in Chelsea Street, Redfern

This work will contribute to meeting our tree canopy targets in the local area.


What we’re doing

We’re planting 3 new trees in the roadway on Chelsea Street, Redfern.

The large weeping lilli pilli trees (Waterhousea floribunda) will provide more shade and contribute to meeting our canopy targets in our greening Sydney strategy.

One parking space will be impacted as part of these works.

Shallow underground services prevent planting trees on the southern side of the street.

Steps will be taken to minimise impacts, but there will be some machinery noise and dust. There will also be temporary traffic changes to provide access for construction materials and equipment.

New kerb extension with low ground cover planting and large tree on the northwestern corner of Stanley and Chelsea streets. Asphalt will be regraded to improve pedestrian access. Two trees will be planted on the northern side of Chelsea Street between Stanley Street and Darghan Place in front of number 34 and 44, opposite Chelsea Street Playground. Three footpath trees will also be replaced on the same side of the street.
Works plan