Macleay Street, Potts Point streetscape improvement works

We’re making Macleay Street, Potts Point safer for people walking, helping calm traffic, and improving the streetscape.


People cross the street on a raised continuous footpath treatment at an intersection with Macleay Street.
New garden bed installed between the footpath and road.
New garden beds installed between the footpath and road.

What we’re doing

The work on Macleay Street follows consultation with local residents and businesses to develop the design.

Works will make the area safer for people walking, help calm traffic, and improve the streetscape with more trees and plants.

Work includes installing:

  • wider footpaths to provide more space for people walking
  • raised continuous footpath treatments from Orwell Street to Rockwall Crescent
  • a raised intersection at Macleay Street and Greenknowe Avenue
  • new lighting, seating and street furniture
  • more street trees and new garden beds
  • 2 in-lane bus stops on the eastern and western side of Macleay Street.

The City’s contractor, Sydney Civil Pty Ltd will carry out the work, which started in October 2020 and should take about 18 months, weather permitting.

A service location and investigation program started in mid-September 2020 to identify any buried services in key areas.

Sydney Civil will notify residents and businesses of construction times and dates before works are due to start outside their properties. You can view weekly updates for this project.

Designs and works plan

Final concept designPDF · 12.9 MB · Last modified
Full works planPDF · 3.33 MB · Last modified
Challis to McDonald – scopePDF · 556.52 KB · Last modified
Paving design: Crick Avenue and Manning StreetPDF · 562.15 KB · Last modified
Paving design: Orwell Street and Greenknowe AvenuePDF · 442.82 KB · Last modified
Paving design: Rockwall Crescent and Challis AvenuePDF · 438.71 KB · Last modified