In progress

Haymarket project updates

Stay up-to-date on projects and initiatives in the area.

Why we’re doing this

We're supporting Haymarket and Chinatown businesses manage their waste to create a cleaner, more vibrant precinct for everyone.

In an area hosting a high density of restaurants, it can be difficult for businesses to manage their waste with limited space particularly as bins are often stored on the street.

Business and visitor waste can lead to overflowing bins, spills, pest issues and dumping.

This collaborative effort is part of the area’s revitalisation strategy.

What we’re doing

We’re working with Dixon Street businesses to better understand current waste practices and identify opportunities for improvement.

We’ll survey local businesses to gather feedback on how waste is managed, the challenges faced and share ideas for solutions.

In collaboration with businesses, we want to develop practical solutions that reduce waste, remove bins from public spaces and create a cleaner, more attractive Haymarket and Chinatown for everyone.

Contact the Haymarket coordinator [email protected] to take part in a survey.