New raised intersection with Progress Pride flag in Darlinghurst

This project will provide a safer crossing of Forbes Street alongside Taylor Square and Qtopia and recognises the LGBTIQA+ identity of the Oxford Street precinct.

Project Status: Completed

What we’re doing

We’ll soon start works on a raised intersection at Bourke and Forbes streets in Darlinghurst.

Our contractor Sydney Civil will carry out the works, which include: 

  • raising the road between Taylor Square and Qtopia 
  • painting a new Progress Pride flag 
  • upgrading the asphalt footpath 
  • improving the kerb, gutters and stormwater drainage 
  • installing accessibility tactiles, bollards and linemarking. 

Work will be carried out from 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday, and 7:30am to 3:30pm on Saturdays. 

We’ll work to minimise impacts during this time. There will be some machinery noise, temporary restrictions to vehicle parking and changes to access for people walking and riding while construction is under way.

Thank you for your cooperation while we carry out these important works.

Why we’re doing this

In April and May 2024, we asked for community feedback on this project.

The Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee endorsed the project at its August 2024 meeting.

A street features a rainbow-painted crossing with nearby trees and an old brick building. Rainbow flags are displayed on poles.
Artist impression: Raised intersection with progress pride flag artwork