Two-way cycling on some one-way streets

These changes across the City of Sydney local area will allow people riding to travel in the opposite direction to motor vehicle traffic, which will still be one-way.

Project Status: In progress

What we’re doing

We looked at all one-way streets in our local area to see where two-way cycling would be beneficial and could be safely introduced.

We looked for quiet streets that aligned with our bike network and allowed good visibility for people driving and riding.

We’ve identified 157 suitable streets across 24 suburbs.

A small amount of new road marking and some signs will be used to make these changes. There will be very little disruption to street traffic.

Why we’re doing this

Our planned changes will make it easier for people riding to avoid busy roads and make trips on quiet, low-traffic streets.

We’ve already made these changes to around 40 one-way streets across our local area and they’ve proven to be safe and effective.

The Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee approved this project at its February 2023 meeting.

Road rules on affected streets

When two-way bike traffic is introduced, people riding and driving must keep to the left-hand side of the road. If the road is narrow, one party will need to pull over to allow the other to pass safely.

Works locations