An oversized bronze cast of a a hollow, intricate seed pod. In the background is another oversized seed pod in bronze and aluminium, with ladders and a climbing rope suspended from it.
A crucifix-shaped fountain composed of tall bronze lotus flowers. In the background are several bronze and aluminium oversized seed pod sculptures.
A close up of the tops of many bronze lotus flower fountain sculptures. In the background is a park with grassy lawns and trees.

The artwork invites imaginative play through an intuitive playscape, a fountain and water play environment, and a skate park.

Artist: Fiona Foley

Artwork description

In Bibles and Bullets artist Fiona Foley communicates history with 3 significant artworks in Redfern Park. Several components make up this artwork including an intuitive playscape for young children, a fountain and water play environment, and a skate park for older children.

The various sections stimulate the senses, inviting imaginative play rather than giving prescriptive cues for structured activity. They simultaneously provide sophisticated sculptural additions to the public space, rich in associative and sensual appeal.

The natural forms and seed pods of plants inspired the group of sculptural play elements and the water play environment. The artist gathered reference material from walks throughout the local area and themed the play elements around native flora. Oversized seed pods are scattered among ancient fig trees, and the fig itself played an important part in the diet of Aboriginal people.

“It begins, I think with that act of recognition. Recognition that it was we who did the dispossessing. We took the traditional lands and smashed the traditional way of life. We brought the diseases. The alcohol. We committed the murders. We took the children from their mothers. We practised discrimination and exclusion. It was our ignorance and our prejudice …”

– Former prime minister Paul Keating, Redfern Speech, 1992


Fiona Foley, a Brisbane-based artist, stands at the forefront of cultural discourse in Australian contemporary art. Her site-specific sculptural installations are satirical, engaging and interactive.



The children’s playground was a key element of the 2008 Redfern Park upgrade.

The brief was to reinvigorate Redfern Park, making it an attractive destination for families by providing inviting and interactive play opportunities.

Artist Fiona Foley was commissioned to create an intuitive playscape.

It provides the Redfern community with an inviting and interactive destination for children and adults alike.

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