A narrow laneway between buildings. Words are painted in large, white, stencilled capital letters at odd angles on the ground and buildings. Phrases include "Her right hand..."
A narrow laneway between buildings. Words are painted in large, white, stencilled capital letters at odd angles on the ground. Phrases include "A passing instant" and "Not unpredictably but inevitably".
Aerial view of a narrow laneway between buildings. Words are painted in large, white, stencilled capital letters at odd angles on the ground. Phrases include "Her right hand..." and "inclusions and misprints"

An ambitious project of performance, research and walks culminates in a quiet 2-way poem in Wemyss Lane.

Artist: Agatha Gothe-Snape
Curator: Stephanie Rosenthal 

Artwork description

Here, an Echo was developed by Agatha Gothe-Snape during the 20th Biennale of Sydney: The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed, curated by Stephanie Rosenthal.

Created in collaboration with choreographer Brooke Stamp this long-form project involved research, conversations, performances and walks. It focused on an area extending from Speakers’ Corner in The Domain to Wemyss Lane in Surry Hills.

In this second iteration of the work the results of this period are manifested in a series of 14 words and phrases that appear for perpetuity in Wemyss Lane, Surry Hills. Open to interpretation, yet with specific origins, the texts become a kind of score where the act of reading and walking becomes intertwined – a choreography for the city.

“As [the artwork] is absorbed back into the laneway it will become grimy and weathered, and will soon be less visible. In a way, drawn back into the fabric of the city that produced it.”

– Agatha Gothe-Snape, 2017


In her wide-ranging conceptual practice, Agatha Gothe-Snape often turns to improvisational performance. Working with ephemeral materials and subtle alterations to space, she uses language and choreography as her chosen mediums – to question our relationships to one another, to art, and to the contexts and histories in which all these are situated.


The public artwork in Wemyss Lane, Here, an Echo also takes the form of a physical publication.

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Here, an Echo was commissioned for the 20th Biennale of Sydney in 2016: The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed, curated by Stephanie Rosenthal. It is the second artwork that will remain in Sydney as a permanent legacy of the biennale.

The first, The City of Forking Paths by Janet Cardiff and George Bures-Miller, was commissioned for the 19th Biennale of Sydney in 2014: You Imagine What You Desire, curated by Julianna Engberg.

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