A pedestrian walks down a laneway during the day, with its ground and walls painted with a blue cloud motif. Neon lights in the shape of human spirits are suspended overhead.
Blue neon lights in the shape of human spirits are suspended between two buildings in a laneway.
A laneway during the day, with its ground and walls painted with a blue cloud motif. Further down the laneway, neon lights in the shape of human spirits are suspended overhead.

Auspicious blue clouds and silver ‘spirit’ figures transform the lane by day and illuminate it with an otherworldly glow at night.

Artist: Jason Wing
Curator: Aaron Seeto

Artwork description

In Between Two Worlds by artist Jason Wing formed the centrepiece of the City of Sydney’s upgrade to Little Hay Street, Factory Street and Kimber Lane in Haymarket, completed in 2013. By day this unassuming lane is animated by blue clouds and silver figures, transforming an otherwise ordinary service lane. By night the ‘spirit’ figures illuminate the lane with an otherworldly blue glow, inviting visitors to explore this addition to Chinatown’s vibrant night-life.

Incorporating wind, water, fire and earth, the artwork In Between Two Worlds references both Chinese and Aboriginal motifs. In Chinese and Aboriginal culture the elements are said to have their own spirits. In the Chinese zodiac humans are also created with characteristics of the elements.

The artwork consists of 3 main components: wall murals, floor murals and 30 suspended illuminated ‘spirit’ figures.

The half human, half spirit figures in Kimber Lane represent our past, present and future ancestors. The themes of heaven and earth, the elements and respect for ancestors past and present, are universal. The figures are inspired by Aboriginal and Chinese heritage but do not discriminate other cultures.

The cloud mural pattern has been painted on the laneway ground and wall surfaces and etched into the granite paving. When repeated, the cloud pattern symbolises never-ending fortune.

“Clouds, sometimes referred to as ‘auspicious clouds’ – xiangyun 祥雲(繁体) /祥云(简体) – represent the heavens and also ‘good luck’ because the Chinese word for cloud – yun 雲(繁体) /云 (简体) – is pronounced the same as yun 運(繁体) /运(简体) meaning ‘luck’ or ‘fortune’.”

– Jason Wing


Jason Wing is a Sydney-based artist who began as a street artist and has since expanded his practice to incorporate photo media, installation and painting.

His dual heritage, being both Chinese and Aboriginal is addressed within his work. Influenced by his bicultural upbringing, Wing explores the ongoing challenges that impact his wider community.

Chinatown public art strategy

A new series of public art projects began in 2010 to revitalise and extend Chinatown’s public spaces.

The program is based on extensive community consultation and development by curatorial advisor Aaron Seeto as part of the Chinatown public domain plan.

The approach recognises the existing artworks commissioned in 1999 and the character of this vibrant urban area.

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