Infinity forest

Related to City Art
Installed from 20 October 2009 to 28 January 2010
Person walks through an ally with multiple silver birch trees filling the surrounding space
Person walks through an ally with multiple silver birch trees filling the surrounding space
People walk through an ally amongst the heavy foliage of multiple silver birch trees filling the surrounding space

Transformed by a burst of concentrated nature, this installation was an oasis in a forgotten alley in the city centre.

Artist: Isabelle Cordeio, Katie Hepworth, Mathew Chan
Curator: Steffen Lehmann
This artwork was temporary and is no longer at this location.

Artwork description

The Infinity Forest was a green oasis among the hard, vertical walls of Hosking Place. Normally used as a shortcut or smoking area, visitors to this forgotten alley found it transformed by a burst of concentrated nature.

In the space carefully located between fire escapes, vehicle ramps and back door entrances, the public came across tough timber walls that concealed a forest within. Fifteen trees up to 4m tall were placed within a mirrored structure that was self-watering.

Entering this intimate urban living room, you discovered yourself captured in an infinite view of a silver birch forest, where you could pause and reflect on the city above.

Project team 

  • Isabel Cordeiro – Artist
  • Mathew Chan – Architect, Scale Architecture
  • Katie Hepworth – Urban Theorist

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