Addressing pest issues including rats, mice, pigeons and bees

Vermin concerns on private land are the responsibility of the landowner and a licensed pest controller should be contacted, however we do have a baiting and monitoring program to control rodent activity in public spaces.

When you need to do this

What you need to do

Rats and mice

Rats and mice in the public space

Our pest control program includes the use of poison bait stations and solar-powered SMART rodent control boxes. These pest control devices are located throughout the city to manage rodent populations.

Rats and mice on private land

Where rats are found to be nesting on private land, the landowner is responsible for taking action. This may include engaging the services of a licensed pest controller.

Our compliance officers can take action on private land which is unsafe or unhealthy and when conditions such as the presence of garbage or other materials promote rat activity.

Managing rat and mice activity

Rats are attracted to poor waste management to feed and nest.

Bee control

Bees exist naturally throughout the city and generally do not sting if left alone. We will respond to swarms and nests that occur on public land to protect public health.

Pigeons, ibis and other wild birds

We don’t offer pest control measures involving pigeons. Owners of property impacted by nesting or roosting pigeons are advised to seek the services of a licensed pest controller.

The Australian white ibis is protected under law. Our ability to intervene is limited with ibis but when necessary, we will investigate complaints in relation to nesting colonies on public land.

We don’t investigate complaints or initiate control measures with wild birds such as cockatoos, Indian mynas, or seagulls.

For all other queries regarding pests in the local area, please contact us.