Better Buildings Partnership
A group of Sydney's leading public, private and institutional landlords are working together to make the city's buildings more sustainable.
Green leadership for Sydney’s commercial and public buildings
Led by the City of Sydney, the Better Buildings Partnership aims to address the challenges facing the commercial property sector and help Sydney become one of the world’s top sustainable cities.
The Better Buildings Partnership represents over half the office floorspace across Sydney’s city centre, these commercial landlords have an important role to play in improving the energy, water and waste efficiency of Sydney’s existing buildings. The members are:
- AMP Capital Investors
- Brookfield Office Properties Australia
- Charter Hall
- City of Sydney
- DEXUS Property Group
- Frasers Property
- The GPT Group
- Investa Property Group
- Lend Lease
- Mirvac
- Stockland
- The University of Technology.
The partnership is committed to supporting Sustainable Sydney 2030-2050 Continuing the Vision and is demonstrating how collective action can accelerate sustainable change.
Its collective emissions have been reduced by over 60% and all members are committed to the Paris Agreement signed in 2015.
The partnership is focused on:
- purchasing and accounting for renewable energy
- best practices for electrification of buildings
- shifting toward a circular economy
- using procurement to shift supply chains toward net zero and circular economy outcomes
- purchasing carbon offsets with additional benefits such as regenerating nature
- making buildings and communities more resilient to the predicted impacts of climate change
- supporting the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles.