Apply for our environmental, business, cultural and community support programs.

We invite applications throughout the year for our environmental, business, cultural and community support programs.
We also call for entries for our competition and award programs, and invite applications for City of Sydney advisory and supplier panels, and some committees.
Open tenders
Open public tenders and expressions of interest can be accessed and downloaded through Tenderlink, our external e-tendering portal.
- To view details of an individual tender, you must register with Tenderlink.
- Submissions may be made through the portal. Read how to submit a tender.
- Register with Tenderlink as a supplier to receive email notifications of new tenders.
- See tenders closed in the past 7 days.
Here is a summary list of the open tenders and expressions of interest.

Business permits, approvals & tenders
Partner with a City of Sydney event
We’re inviting organisations to become event sponsors and partners to present high-profile events and programs for Sydney, Australia and the world.