Victoria Park improvements
We created a better recreation space for everyone to enjoy and improved the water quality of Lake Northam in the centre of the park.
Project Status: Completed
All proposed works have been completed.
What we’re doing
These latest works are about continuing to improve all the elements that make this such a popular green space.
The works included:
- a new active recreation space with a netball practice court and table tennis tables
- path and park lighting improvements
- improved and more accessible park entries on City Road
- new concrete path connections from Cleveland Street to the University of Sydney and Barff Road entry to Victoria Park Pool
- a new decomposed granite path to the park's perimeter from Cleveland Street entry to University Avenue to improve accessibility and provide a new recreation loop
- new seating, water bubblers and park signs
- installing 2 new stormwater pollution traps for Lake Northam
- removing existing sediment and installing a new recirculation system, pump and weir to improve water quality
- installing a new bio-retention zone and a new wetland designed with reed plants to clean and filter stormwater runoff in the lake.