Outdoor dining policy
How we determine requests by business to use public footpaths and spaces for outdoor dining.

We support local restaurants and cafes by allowing seating for outdoor dining to supplement indoor seating.
This policy sets out the circumstances and conditions under which we’ll approve outdoor dining on public footpaths and in the public domain.
To be eligible, your food and drink premise must prepare and sell food or drink for immediate consumption on or off the premises. Eligible venues include restaurants, cafes, take away food and drink premises, pubs and small bars.
Our policies apply to all applications for outdoor dining in our local area. This excludes The Rocks, Circular Quay, Barangaroo and Darling Harbour. Venues in these areas are serviced by Place Management NSW or Infrastructure NSW, depending on their location.
The outdoor dining policy must be read in conjunction with the outdoor dining guidelines, which provides essential information on the rules determining the location and management of outdoor dining areas.