Have your say on the design and review of environmental factors for the cycleway on Pitt Street, Sydney

The first review of environmental factors will allow the temporary pop-up cycleway to remain for up to 2 years, until the permanent one is completed. The second assesses the permanent design we’re consulting with the community now.

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Why we’re doing this

We invite your feedback on the pop-up cycleway on Pitt Street in Sydney and invite your comments on making the cycleway permanent.

Monitoring and evaluation of the pop-up cycleway shows it is well used and confirms this route is a key connection. We propose the pop-up cycleway becomes permanent in this location.

What we’re doing

The project includes:

  • continuing the use of the western lane of Pitt Street to allow for more space for people walking and outdoor dining
  • maintaining the cycleway in the second lane of Pitt Street using more permanent materials
  • keeping the closure of Spring Street at Pitt Street to traffic travelling south to improve safety for people walking and riding
Concept designPDF · 3.51 MB · Last modified

Review of environmental factors

We’re also seeking your feedback on 2 review of environmental factors documents. The first will allow the temporary pop-up cycleway to remain while we consult on the concept design, seek approvals and build the permanent cycleway. The second assesses the permanent design.

The review considers the current state of the street, impacts due to the pop-up cycleway and benefits of the project.

Review of environmental factors – pop-up cyclewayPDF · 990.13 KB · Last modified
Review of environmental factors – permanent cyclewayPDF · 1022.59 KB · Last modified

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 9 April 2021.

We have a range of ways you can provide feedback:

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when providing your feedback.

Other ways you can give feedback