Have your say on a review of environmental factors for the cycleway on Henderson Road, Railway Parade and Bridge Street, Alexandria and Erskineville
The first review of environmental factors will allow the temporary pop-up cycleway to remain for up to 2 years, until the permanent one is completed. The second assesses the permanent design that we consulted with the community in late 2020.
Closed Council approved the new cycling connections in May 2021. Construction is underway.
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Why we’re doing this
In mid-2020 we worked with Transport for NSW to build temporary pop-up cycleways along key transport routes outlined in our cycling strategy and action plan.
These new safe transport connections provide more options for people to travel around the city. They free up space on buses and trains where there is less capacity due to public health orders.
The pop-up cycleway on Henderson Road, Railway Parade and Bridge Street in Alexandria and Erskineville has been well used and supported by our communities.
In November and December 2020 we consulted extensively with the community on the concept design for the permanent cycleway.
What we’re doing
We’re seeking your feedback on 2 review of environmental factors documents.
The first will allow the temporary pop-up cycleway to remain for up to 2 years, until the permanent one is completed. The review considers the current state of the street, impacts due to the pop-up cycleway and benefits of the project. It covers the temporary pop-up cycleway only.
The second assesses the permanent design we consulted with the community in late 2020.
Park Street update
New traffic calming solutions are underway on Park Street, Erskineville that includes narrowing the intersection at Swanson Street and introducing angled parking. We’re starting the process to introduce a turn ban or closure of Park Street at Henderson Road.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 9 April 2021.
We have a range of ways you can give feedback:
Complete our feedback form
Email us
Send your feedback to [email protected]
Talk to us
Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when providing your feedback.