Revised plans to improve Peace Park, Chippendale
The updated plan reflects what we heard from the community during the July–August 2020 consultation process.
The design was approved by Council in February 2021. Visit the Peace Park upgrade project page for updates on this project.
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What we’re doing
We’ve updated the plan to reflect community feedback on the importance of retaining all the trees, the shared path alignment and the location of the Birds of Peace and Industry mosaics. We also propose hybrid (natural reinforced) turf located in the park’s sunniest area.
The revised proposal for Peace Park includes:
- new fenced play area including play structure with a curly slide
- swing set and 3 seats (2 regular seats and 1 baby seat)
- informal nature play elements such as stepping stones and logs
- lawn planted with hybrid reinforced turf in the park’s sunniest area
- more seating in sunny and shady areas and upgraded lighting as required
- new water bubbler and dog bowl
- better drainage to capture rainwater for use onsite.
As part of the works we’ll provide locations for future community artwork opportunities to be investigated. We’ll also investigate locations for compost bins and raised thresholds on Buckland Street and Pine Street.
All trees in the park will be retained and we’ll add more plants.
Related projects
Improving Peace Park, Chippendale.
Next steps
All feedback and any resulting design changes will be reported to Council. If Council resolves to proceed with the upgrade, our staff will work on detailed designs and we will keep you updated on progress.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 18 December 2020.
Complete our feedback form
Email your comments
You can also give feedback by email to [email protected]
Talk to us
Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your submission.