Revised plans to improve Ernest Pedersen Reserve, Glebe
Updated plans reflect community feedback and the proposed playground elements and design.
What we're doing
We’ve updated our plans to upgrade the park and playground at Ernest Pedersen Reserve and invite your feedback on the design. The updated plans reflect community feedback in 2019 on the importance of retaining the quiet and peaceful character of the space, recognising its heritage context and providing more space for wildlife. We’ve also revised the proposed playground elements and design.
The revised proposal includes:
- a path layout that reflects the original garden of the state heritage-listed Rothwell Lodge and Factory
- updated signs with more historical information
- more wildlife habitat with larger garden beds and a new bird bath
- discreet low fencing for new plants to establish.
The proposed play area will be more informal in character and incorporate natural materials and nature play into the design. The footprint of this area will reduce by around 20% compared to its current size.
Play elements for younger children will be installed away from main views to the nearby heritage building and include:
- informal nature play, including sandstone balance wall, stepping stones and logs
- a timber single swing
- a timber see-saw
- bark mulch softfall.
We will retain and protect existing plants and trees. Due to the effects of drought and disease, our arborist has indicated 1 Eucalyptus tereticornis (forest red gum) tree will need to be removed. It will be replaced with a tree of the same species. So we can keep the remaining trees, we’ll avoid altering the levels in the park where possible. We’ll follow arborist recommendations in the detailed designs and during construction.
We’ll schedule construction outside of kookaburra breeding season and follow all recommendations to protect wildlife.
Revised designs

How you can give feedback
You can view the revised design and give feedback by completing an online form.
Consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 25 February 2020.
Ernest Pedersen Reserve pop-up session cancelled
This message is to inform you that the pop-up session scheduled for Saturday 8 February has been cancelled due to severe weather. If you would like to meet with us about this project during the consultation period, please email [email protected] to arrange a time.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
If you’re unable to look at the plans online, you can contact 02 9265 9333 or email [email protected] to request a printed copy. A printed copy is also available at Glebe Library, 186 Glebe Point Road, Glebe.
Next steps
Following community consultation, the design will be presented to Council, along with any feedback we receive. You’re welcome to attend the Council committee meeting to provide any additional comments. You will need to review the guidelines for speakers at Council committees before you attend.
We will notify everyone who has made a submission before the committee meeting and will keep you updated on times for construction.