Meals on Wheels

Available to residents unable to shop or prepare their own food.

Man delivering food to an elderly woman at her home

Meals on Wheels

To find out more information about the Meals on Wheels service and how we might be able to help you, please contact us by phone (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 3pm) or email.

phone number
02 9265 9060
email address
[email protected]

Catering to your needs

Every month we deliver about 4,000 nutritious meals to people at home.

Our Meals on Wheels service is available to residents of our local area and parts of Sydney's inner west (Annandale, Balmain, Birchgrove, Camperdown, Leichardt, Lilyfield, Rozelle, Tempe) who are:

  • 65 and over (50 and over if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander)
  • approved for funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Meal options

The service provides a diverse menu of healthy and affordable meals. We have a seasonal menu that is rotated over a 4-week cycle to ensure that you receive a varied and nutritious diet.

In addition to the main meal, you can also order the following optional items alongside your main:

  • dessert
  • soup
  • slice of bread with butter portion.

Please contact us for a copy of our current menu choices.

Dietary requirements

The service provides meals to suit your personal requirements such as special dietary needs, cultural and taste preferences.


The meals are delivered Monday to Friday by our employees and volunteers. Meals for weekends and public holidays are usually delivered on the previous work day.

Meal packages are delivered chilled or frozen in bulk so you can heat and serve your meal at a time that suits you. If you don’t have a microwave or oven to reheat your meal, we can arrange to heat up your meal prior to delivery.

Wellness and reablement

Meals on Wheels focuses on wellness and reablement. Our service supports people who need ongoing or short-term support. This includes people who are adapting to changed circumstances such as functional loss or need to regain confidence and capacity to resume their usual activities. We’ll work with you on a service plan that helps you reach your goals while retaining your independence.


If you are 65 years or over (50 and over if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander), you can contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 and ask for a referral to Meals on Wheels. My Aged Care is a free one-stop-shop established by the Australian Government to help the community navigate the aged care system and provide reliable information and access to services for the aged.

If you are under 65 years, please call us on 02 9265 9060 to discuss your needs and how we might be able to help you. 

You can find out more about eligibility requirements by calling 1800 800 110 or visiting the National Disability Insurance Scheme website. If you already have an approved NDIS plan which includes funding for meals, please contact us on 02 9265 9060 with your plan details to get started.


Our Meals on Wheels service is registered to provide supports to eligible people with disability under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Funded by the Australian Government’s Commonwealth home support program for older people aged 65 and over (50 and over if Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander).