Call for nominations: Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel

Contribute your professional and lived experience to improve our city’s economic, cultural and social life.

Related to Advisory panels


Jennie Harris

Economic Strategy Advisor

For more information about this panel and if you require accessibility adjustments.

phone number
02 9265 9333
email address
[email protected]

We’re calling for nominations for our Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory Panel from the Haymarket local area.

This advisory panel will provide advice on implementing the City of Sydney’s economic strategy and support for city businesses to ensure a sustainable recovery from the pandemic. This will include advice about innovation, business diversity and resilience strategies, and opportunities to develop a vibrant 24-hour economy and nightlife.

We encourage all applicants from the Haymarket local area, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Australian South Sea Islander people, people with disability, LGBTIQA+ and culturally diverse communities to nominate for this panel.

We’ll provide reasonable adjustments for individuals with disability throughout the nomination process. If you identify as a person with disability and require adjustments to the application, selection and/or assessment process, please use the contact details listed on this page.

About the panel

This advisory panel will include a range of members who are highly recognised in relevant professional fields and who have demonstrated experience, seniority (CEO or equivalent) and knowledge of economic areas. These areas include trade and investment attraction, recruiting talent, the innovation economy, green economy and sustainable finance, creative economy, community wealth building, the night-time economy and the visitor economy.

We’re calling for relevant Haymarket business operators to apply for this panel as we recognise the impact experienced through the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing recovery.

Membership consists of up to 16 members including:

  • up to 8 senior (CEO or equivalent) representatives from the local business sector, including First Nations businesses and small business
  • up to 8 senior (CEO or equivalent) representatives from research, academic or peak body organisations with relevant knowledge and expertise
  • up to 2 state agency representatives relevant to the economic development of Sydney
  • one City of Sydney councillor
  • City of Sydney CEO (or delegate).

Terms of reference

Business, Economic Development and Covid Recovery Advisory PanelDOC · 71.05 KB · Last modified

What to expect

Members will be appointed for a term of up to 3 years.

You’ll be expected to attend meetings which may occur during business hours.

Where applicable, the City of Sydney will provide translators, printed material in alternative formats or languages and/or other accessibility services.

How to apply

Apply online by 5pm on Wednesday 9 November.

Nominees for this panel must live, work or study in Haymarket, Sydney.

Applications will be assessed in line with the selection criteria.

Apply online