Lease proposal: bandstand, Green Park, Darlinghurst

Community, cultural, educational and social activities in the facility for 12 months.


Public consultation period to

What’s being proposed

Our proposal is to lease the bandstand in Green Park, Darlinghurst for 12 months to Qtopia Ltd for community, cultural, educational and social use in line with section 47A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993.

How you can give feedback

You can give feedback on this proposal by 5pm on 5 October 2022.

Email your feedback to [email protected] or post it to:

Commercial Property Manager
City of Sydney
GPO Box 1591
Sydney NSW 2001

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation's name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your submission.

Other ways you can give feedback