Proposed traffic changes at Tweed Place, Green Square
We’re changing access to Tweed Place to make Green Square safer.
What we’re doing
We invite your feedback on a proposal to close part of Tweed Place to traffic, between the ‘Infinity’ driveway and Paul Street in Green Square.
Service vehicle access to Green Square Library and plaza will be maintained with lockable bollards. Walking, cycling and emergency vehicle access will also be maintained.
The closure will make the area safer for people walking, riding and driving.
This proposal is in line with section 116 of the Roads Act 1993.
Next steps
We will consider all feedback we receive and will report the results to the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee for consideration at its meeting on Thursday 20 March 2025. The committee’s report will be available on the City of Sydney’s website after 5pm on Thursday 13 March 2025.
You’re welcome to attend the meeting to address the committee. The meeting starts at 10am in the Town Hall Council Chamber at 483 George Street, Sydney.
If you would like to address the committee, you need to register by close of business on Monday 17 March 2025. To do this, contact Claudia Calabro on 02 9265 9648 or at [email protected].
If the committee decides to endorse the proposal, the proposed works will be designed and carried out as part of an upcoming capital works program.
How you can give feedback
Consultation closes at 5pm on Wednesday 12 March 2025.
We’re unable to accept feedback after this time due to legislative deadlines.
Email or post your feedback
Email [email protected] or post to:
Terry Xu
Traffic Operations
GPO Box 1591
Sydney NSW 2001