​​Removal of canoes and kayaks at Rushcutters Bay and Beare parks​

Project Status: In progress

Why we’re doing this

We’ve received ongoing complaints from residents and park visitors about more than 150 privately owned kayaks, boats and paddleboards left at Rushcutters Bay and Beare parks.

This creates public amenity issues including park safety, access and maintenance.

We consulted our communities about this in 2022. There was a mixed response with some people wanting to remove the kayaks, some wanting them to remain and others wanting some form of access through a hire or share-type arrangement.

We advertised for a provider to run a modest hire or share service, but did not receive suitable proposals.

The City of Sydney is willing to facilitate a kayak share operation should the community express sufficient interest.

What we’re doing

We’ve advised nearby residents in writing that from Monday 22 July 2024 we’ll remove and impound privately owned watercraft stored in Rushcutters Bay and Beare parks.

We’ve advised residents to remove their items before this date.

Next steps

We’ll hold any unclaimed items for 28 days. During this period people can claim their items for a fee.

After 28 days we will then dispose of any unclaimed watercraft.