Your feedback on proposed outdoor alcohol restrictions

Help us maintain well-designed, safe and attractive public spaces.

Project Status: Open for feedback

Public consultation period to

Senior Project Manager

City Engagement

email address
[email protected]

What we’re doing

We invite your feedback on proposed outdoor alcohol restrictions for the City of Sydney’s local area.

These sites are proposed to manage and reduce antisocial behaviour and related impacts.

Alcohol-free zones apply to public roads and footpaths and are 24 hour restrictions. Alcohol-prohibited areas apply to parks and civic spaces and are timed, typically 10pm to 10am.

We’re advocating for timed alcohol-free zones through the Office of Local Government. Your insights on when alcohol-related issues occur and your recommendations for whether restrictions should be in place at all times or only overnight are welcome.

In early 2024, we reviewed alcohol restrictions to identify which have broad community support and should be kept, and which can be lifted. A place-based approach to alcohol management had community support, considering restrictions alongside harm reduction strategies. Council endorsed the review’s outcomes in June 2024, setting criteria for restrictions based on:

  • locations with high incidents of alcohol-related crimes
  • areas of concern identified in the review
  • applications from residents and businesses for new alcohol-free zones.

Based on the criteria, please view a list of the proposed restrictions below.

List of proposed restrictionsPDF · 286.73 KB · Last modified

Why we’re doing this

Outdoor alcohol restrictions help us create and maintain well-designed, safe and attractive streets and public spaces for everyone to enjoy.

These designated public areas provide NSW police with the authority to tip out or confiscate alcohol. There are no fines associated with the offence.

We’ll consider your feedback alongside evidence including crime statistics and advice from NSW police and other key partners. Recommendations will be presented to Council for endorsement.

How you can give feedback

Consultation closes at 5pm on Monday 29 July 2024.

Feedback may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period. Your name or organisation’s name may appear in these reports with your feedback attributed. If you would like your feedback to be kept confidential, please let us know when making your contribution.

Other ways you can give feedback