A community vision for Wentworth Park
In August and September 2022 the community shared their ideas for the future of Wentworth Park. This helped build a community vision for Wentworth Park.

We invited the community and stakeholders to imagine a unified park and tell us what you’d like to see and do there.
From sports facilities to playgrounds and spaces for relaxation, we wanted to hear how you use the park now, what you like about it and how you see it being used in the future.
What we heard
The community sees Wentworth Park as a significant multipurpose green space where people of all ages can exercise and play, connect with nature and each other.
The community was most engaged with the following 4 themes:
- a green place connected to nature
- a place of sport, exercise and play
- a place that supports social activities and events
- a place that is easy to get in to and move through.
Based on your feedback, we’ve developed a community vision for Wentworth Park.
A community vision for Wentworth ParkPDF · 2.73 MB · Last modified